Friday, 19 August 2016

Donald Trump finds hope in British Euroscepticism

FOR those still trying to puzzling out what goes on in Donald Trump’s mind, the tweet the Republican nominee put out at 8am on August 18th was more than usually intriguing: “They’ll soon be calling me MR. BREXIT!”

What did that mean? Was Mr Trump belatedly taking credit for British voters’ decision to leave the European Union, as he had urged them to? Had the strong data British retailers had released that day, which suggested the damage Brexit will do the British economy has been deferred for a bit, inspired his tweet?

Or was Mr Trump, finding comfort in one or two obvious parallels between his angry nativist “movement” and British Euroscepticism, merely vowing to triumph in November as it did in June?

Mr Trump’s history with Brexit suggests he probably didn’t know what he meant either. Even while issuing his advice to Britons to vote for Brexit, he had admitted that he didn’t really understand what it meant. On a trip to one of his Scottish golf course, the day after the British referendum, he further demonstrated that—by claiming that Scots were thrilled to have taken “their country back”. In...Continue reading

from United States

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