Thursday, 25 August 2016

Clinton Republicans

HILLARY CLINTON’S campaign has a new TV ad suggesting that Donald Trump’s ego is too large and his head too hot to entrust him with nuclear codes. The ad—which ends with the whistle of a falling bomb, roaring jet engines and a doomy sounding narrator intoning: “Because all it takes is one wrong move”—is built around clips of Mr Trump himself, boasting that he knows more about Islamic State than “the generals” and inviting opponents to “go fuck themselves” (with the expletive bleeped out). By way of serene contrast, the ad shows Mrs Clinton reading briefing books in what looks like a night-time White House.

This invites comparisons with “Daisy”, an attack ad from 1964 implying that a vote for Barry Goldwater, that year’s hardline Republican nominee, was a vote for nuclear war. “Daisy” (so called after its opening images of a child picking the flowers) quoted the sitting president, Lyndon Johnson, paraphrasing W.H. Auden’s line: “We must love one another, or die,” as atomic blasts filled the screen. In this less poetic age, Mrs Clinton’s spot offers a recording of Mr Trump vowing to “bomb the shit” out of...Continue reading

from United States

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