Thursday, 25 August 2016

The perils of not saving

I’d like someone else to pay my pension

PALLBEARERS bearing coffins scrawled with the legend “No+AFP” joined tens of thousands of Chileans in Santiago on August 21st to protest against the country’s privatised pension system. Organisers—a mix of unions, pensioners’ associations and consumer-advocacy groups—say that a million demonstrated nationwide (perhaps an exaggeration). Pensions are too small, the marchers complain. After “years of abuse…the people have finally woken up,” says Ernesto Medina Aguayo of Aquí La Gente, a pressure group.

The scheme they revile, launched by the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet 35 years ago, was a model for other developing countries such as Peru and Colombia. Rather than saddle the government with an unaffordable pay-as-you-go system, in which today’s taxpayers support today’s pensioners even as the population ages, Chile created one in which workers save for their own retirement by paying 10% of their earnings into individual accounts. These are managed by private administrators (AFPs).  

In some ways, the system worked. Contributions to the AFPs...Continue reading

from Americas

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