Friday, 27 October 2017

The Balfour Declaration still offers lessons to Israel and the Palestinians

IN OCTOBER 1917, in the depths of the first world war, an expectant Chaim Weizmann was waiting in a London anteroom. Britain’s war cabinet was voting on a document, now known as the Balfour Declaration, that would pledge Britain’s support for Zionists’ hopes of statehood in Ottoman-ruled Palestine. Mark Sykes, a British diplomat, rushed out to share the good news: “Weizmann, it’s a boy!” But the 67-word declaration was vague. It offered a Jewish “homeland”, not a state. Nor did Britain explain how it would be created, promising only “best endeavours” to do so. The Zionist leader’s first reaction was disappointment. The boy “was not the one I had expected,” he later wrote.

A century on, his successors have no such doubts. On November 2nd Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, will attend a dinner in London to celebrate the document’s centenary. Theresa May, the British prime minister, will join him. So will Lord Balfour, a descendant of the man who lent...Continue reading

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