Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Scott Pruitt seeks to weaken independent scientific review at the EPA

YESTERDAY, October 24th, three scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were to present at a conference on the health of the Narragansett Bay estuary (pictured). They were to unveil a 500-page report, which found that “stressors associated with climate change are increasing rapidly”—but the agency abruptly cancelled the presentation without explanation. Critics pointed to it as the latest example of meddling and muzzling by the agency’s new leadership. Scott Pruitt, the industry-friendly administrator, is sceptical of the scientific consensus on climate change. The agency has also furiously scrubbed references to climate change from its website, and encouraged the creation of a “red team” to play devil’s advocate to established climate science. Mr Pruitt is set to continue his campaign against science he does not much like, by upending several critical advisory boards that the EPA relies on for independent scientific advice.

Mr Pruitt is expected to announce today that scientists who currently receive...Continue reading

from United States

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