Friday, 22 December 2017

Catalonia’s separatists are re-elected by a whisker

AFTER the momentous events of the past few months in Catalonia, the regional election on December 21st suggests that, remarkably, not much has changed. A record turnout of 83% of the electorate of 5.5m has delivered a parliament with a narrow majority of separatists, just what it had been before it was dissolved.

That is bad news for Mariano Rajoy, Spain’s prime minister, and his efforts to keep his country together. True, in a symbolic blow to the cause of Catalan independence, Ciudadanos, a centre-right anti-nationalist party, became the largest political force, albeit with only 25% of the vote. On the other hand, the list of Carles Puigdemont, the fugitive regional president, outpolled Esquerra (Republican Left), the party of his jailed former coalition partner, Oriol Junqueras. Widely written off a month ago, Mr Puigdemont is perhaps the biggest winner of the election, and will demand his reinstatement as president.

Mr Rajoy called the vote after intervening to suspend...Continue reading

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