Thursday, 1 September 2016

Donald Trump meets Enrique Peña Nieto

ONE week ago, the idea that the president of Mexico would share a dais with the Republican presidential nominee would have seemed absurd. And yet on August 31st Donald Trump, the scourge of Mexico, briefly visited the country to discuss bilateral relations with Enrique Peña Nieto—a man who back in March compared the American’s rhetoric to that of Hitler and Mussolini.

After their hour-long meeting, both men were keen to talk up the closeness of the Mexican-American relationship, referring to the 6m American jobs that depend on trade with Mexico, the 40 cents of American-made product in every dollar of goods that Mexico exports there, and the one million daily border crossings. Some familiar themes were aired. Mr Trump reiterated his opposition to the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement for being “of far greater benefit to Mexico than to the United States”. Mr Peña, in a nod to Mr Trump’s plans to deport illegal immigrants, reiterated how the job of the Mexican president was to defend the interests of Mexicans “wherever they are”. In response to a question from a reporter, Mr Trump said the two had not discussed who would pay...Continue reading

from United States

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