Wednesday 28 March 2018

Republicans seek alternatives to Obamacare’s pricey insurance markets

Religion to the rescue

REPUBLICANS may have abolished the “individual mandate”, an unpopular part of Obamacare that fines Americans for not buying health insurance. But most of the law’s rickety architecture remains intact. Having given up, for now, on sweeping legislative reform, the Trump administration and Republican-leaning states are seeking ways to help consumers circumvent the law.

During the latest annual enrolment period, which ran from November 1st to December 15th, just before the individual mandate was repealed, 11.8m Americans signed up for coverage on Obamacare’s “exchanges”. Several million more will have bought similar plans direct from insurers. These markets are designed so that anyone, however ill, can buy generous coverage at the same price as a healthy person. The individual mandate was designed to bring in enough low-risk customers to make the market profitable for insurers. Without it, enrolments for 2019 are likely to fall (though no one...Continue reading

from United States

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