Thursday 24 November 2016

A showdown looms over bank-capital rules

THEY lack the magic of “Harry Potter” and provoke even less laughter than “Police Academy”, but the sequels keep coming. In Santiago on November 28th and 29th the committee of central bankers and supervisors from nearly 30 countries that draws up global bank-capital standards is due to thrash out revisions to Basel 3, the version agreed on after the financial crisis of 2008. European (and some Asian) bankers and officials fear additional capital requirements are coming; Americans are all for the changes. Stand by for a standoff in Chile.

Spurred by Basel 3, banks have stuffed billions into capital cushions that the crisis showed to be woefully thin. Between mid-2011 and the end of last year, 91 leading lenders bolstered their common equity by €1.4trn ($1.5trn), or 65%, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which provides the Basel committee’s secretariat. The ratio of equity to risk-weighted assets, an important regulatory gauge, climbed from 7.1% to 11.8%. Although Basel 3 need not be fully honoured until 2019, most banks are far above the minimum of 4.5% (additional buffers, some at national level, raise the actual floor...Continue reading

from Economics

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